Rethink Trade
The Investor-State Dispute Settlement regime to date has generated $47 billion in pending corporate demands for taxpayer compensation in claims against the 12 APEP nations’ climate, health, and other public-interest policies.
Global Justice Now
The UK faces “huge financial risk” of lawsuits if the Pacific trade deal is not amended, warn civil society organisations and academics in a joint letter published today.
Seattle to Brussels Network
Fifty Civil society organizations call on the European Parliament not to ratify the trade agreement with New Zealand.
bilaterals.org & GRAIN
So what does this trade deal mean for ordinary Africans in a time of deep climate, economic and food crises?
Friends of the Earth Europe
Friends of the Earth Europe compiled 7 reasons why the EU-Mercosur is a toxic deal that we must stop now.
The Saturday Paper
Clive Palmer’s move to sue the government in a secretive international tribunal highlights the need to amend Australia’s trade policy to prevent claims that could hamper emissions reduction efforts.
European Coordination Via Campesina
A leaked version of the Mercosur response to the EU’s FTA joint instrument proposal suggests there are increasing negotiation differences between the two blocks.
La Via Campesina
The Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers’ Movement (ICCFM) held a three-day forum in Bengaluru to discuss ongoing trade negotiations in which India is engaged and the impact of the climate crisis on Indian agriculture, among other issues.
La Via Campesina
On this September 10th 2023, the NFU stands united with our allies in La Via Campesina calling for fair and just international trade systems.
La Via Campesina
The peasants, small-scale food producers, wage and migrant workers and indigenous communities of La Via Campesina will draft an alternative trade framework, leveraging our collective knowledge of agriculture and food trade to ensure no one goes hungry.
Ngā Toki Whakarururanga
Ngā Toki Whakarururanga brings a Te Tiriti o Waitangi perspective to the trade policy space, which requires the Government of New Zealand to uphold and actively protect Māori rights to exercise authority over our lands, waters, resources and all taonga. That includes for IPEF.
Public Citizen
Many free trade and investment agreements allow multinational corporations to undermine democracy via a secret pseudo-court system known as Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS).
Third World Network
The proposition that the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity will not be enforceable is an illusion.
Third World Network
Pillar 1 of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity is entitled “Trade” and is expected to have binding and enforceable trade-related commitments.