Third World Network
Pillar 1 of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity is entitled “Trade” and is expected to have binding and enforceable trade-related commitments.
Ibon International
Trade justice activists slammed the lack of transparency in the IPEF negotiation process. Social movements have showing resistance to demand prioritising labour, climate justice, and human rights over corporate profits in Indo-Pacific trade talks.
La Via Campesina
It has been twenty years since the World Trade Organization’s imperialist, neoliberal and neo-colonial free trade policies led to the sacrifice of one of our peasant leaders at the gates of the Ministerial meeting venue in Cancun, Mexico.
Common Dreams
One of the most controversial aspects of the hyperglobalization era, investor-state dispute settlement elevates multinational corporations and foreign investors to equal status with national governments.
Climate Change News
Far-right president Jair Bolsonaro is gone but agribusiness and congress are still a threat to Brazil’s indigenous communities.
Friends of the Earth Europe
A coalition of more than 450 organisations from Latin America and Europe criticised the announcement by leaders from the EU and Mercosur countries that they aim to resolve outstanding issues and conclude the EU-Mercosur trade agreement by the end of 2023.
Indonesia for Global Justice
The protection of human rights, social justice, and a sustainable environment, particularly for the Indonesian people, are threatened by the Indonesia-EU CEPA negotiations in their current form, so Indonesian civil society organized an action to demand that the European Commission and the Government of Indonesia immediately halt them.
The journey of EPAs continues to unfold, with each chapter revealing new complexities and challenges. As negotiations progress, it remains crucial to monitor the evolving dynamics and their implications for trade relations between the EU and its partner countries.
Ngā Toki Whakarururanga
The NZ EU FTA does not promote and protect the rights, interests, duties and responsibilities of Māori in a Te Tiriti-compliant manner and offers minimal, if any, concrete economic benefits to Māori businesses and workers.
Third World Network
IPEF is designed by the US for its own prosperity, with developing countries unlikely to gain anything significant from it. Even if the IPEF does not eventually include dispute settlement provisions, and despite some of the provisions appearing to be only statements of intent and more in the nature of cooperation