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News from the movements

Proposed EU-India FTA
Can India protect its development objectives by signing a free trade agreement with an unequal partner with different ambitions?
Stand with the people of Honduras against corporate greed
We stand in solidarity with the people of Honduras and condemn US company Próspera’s $11 billion case against the will of the people.
Canada’s options for intervening in the Keystone XL CUSMA lawsuit
This briefing paper explores what that prioritization might look like, and proposes a number of concrete paths forward for the Canadian government.
Trade: US trade policies a new form of “colonialism”?
The US policies in global trade appear somewhat like “old wine in new bottles,” with some semantic sophistry. It appears that “the more things change the more they remain the same” as regards the new forms of colonialism.
Regional NGOs warn Kenya on EU trade deal
Eastern and Southern African trade promotion organisations are asking Kenya to withdraw from its recent agreement with the European Union to implement the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
India’s free trade talks ’ignore’ human rights, social justice, environmental impact
More than 130 organisations and civil society leaders have expressed concern at the lack of transparency and non-inclusive consultation processes adopted by the Union Government in the negotiations for entering into free trade, comprehensive economic partnership or investment related agreements.
The EU-Mercosur annex: a greenwashing exercise
Friends of the Earth Europe commissioned a legal analysis of the European Commission’s additional environmental protocol which demonstrates that it is a mere greenwash, only offering cosmetic and unenforceable adjustments.
Memorandum and analysis on the agriculture chapter of the STIP negotiations
Econews Africa, in a memorandum to the Kenya/United States Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership (STIP) has highlighted lack of transparency in the negotiation process and the devastating consequences of negotiating a chapter on Agriculture have been highlighted.
How colonialism shaped free trade agreements: from colonies to neoliberalism (part 3/3)
Colonial practices are still felt today, as capital-exporting states and their investors shape trade and investment rules while ignoring the populations of capital-importing countries.
CSO letter to the Commerce Minister on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) and India joining the trade pillar
On behalf of the Forum for Trade Justice, a CSO letter has been sent to the Indian Commerce Minister. The letter highlights the perils of participating in the IPEF and urges the Commerce Minister to withdraw from the IPEF processes.
Empty promises and prospects: The US-led economic agreement is a liability for Fiji
This weekend in Detroit, Trade Ministers from eleven countries will be meeting for the latest round of negotiations on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, a secretive geopolitical and economic agreement aimed to curtail China.
What to watch at the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) ministerial in Detroit
As trade ministers gather for the second ministerial meeting of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework talks, recent developments on the ground in Detroit indicate that politically powerful groups are watching with great anticipation.
How colonialism shaped free trade agreements: the imposition of Western legal regimes (part 2/3)
Colonialism resulted in the imposition of a legal trade and investment regime favourable to European colonial states and companies, which is still felt today.
NGOs urge EU not to ratify damaging trade agreement with the Mercosur block on back of new deforestation law
50 environmental and human rights groups from around the world expressed grave concern that the EU will use its new deforestation regulation to ratify the trade deal with Mercosur.
Dutch bilateral investment treaties: 60 years of protecting multinationals
Nowadays, the Netherlands has 75 bilateral investment treaties with countries all over the world, which mainly give multinationals a powerful instrument that has far-reaching consequences for people and the environment worldwide.
How colonialism shaped free trade agreements: the birth of modern international trade (part 1/3)
The birth of modern international trade was not a natural phenomenon but it was imposed on societies.
An attack on democracy: new legal analysis on splitting of EU-Mercosur deal
A new legal analysis lifts the lid on an attempt by the European Commission to “split” the EU-Mercosur trade deal, in order to approve the ‘trade’ part of the deal without the unanimous support of EU member states and without national ratification by parliaments throughout the EU.
Would the drafters of the AfCFTA investment protocol kowtow to the interests of only investors?
The recently leaked investment protocol of the African Continental Free Trade Area shows the investor-state dispute resolution will be set out after the adoption of the protocol.
Swimming against the tide
Since the beginning of the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994, Mexico has experienced a dramatic deterioration in its ability to grow its own food.
The struggle of small-scale fishers in Indonesia
Indonesia is a country that is particularly active and aggressive in negotiating free trade and investment agreements. The food industry, notably fisheries, is often threatened by such agreements.