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News from the movements

Solidarity, equality, cooperation and sustainable trade: an alternative to the EU-Mercosur trade agreement
We firmly believe that the countries of the Mercosur and the EU need to improve and transform their relationship.
How the toxic EU-Mercosur deal will undermine Brazil’s climate & deforestation goals
While the Amazon passes irreversible environmental tipping points and new toxic chemicals leave a trail of contamination, the European Union is actively signing away more of the planet and people in the lethal EU-Mercosur free trade agreement.
EU-Mercosur: Banned pesticides found on Brazilian limes in EU
A Greenpeace Germany study of Brazilian limes sold in the EU has found residues of several pesticides, some of them banned for use in Europe.
International preemption by “trade” agreement: Big Tech’s ploy to undermine privacy, AI accountability, and anti-monopoly policies
The bottom-line is that the USMCA and related TPP digital rules that represent the agenda promoted by Big Tech interests must not become the model or starting text for future agreements.
Public services in the crosshairs
The impacts of investment protection regimes on the public services sector in Latin America and the Caribbean.
UK membership in Pacific trade deal threatens Canadian climate action
Canada should join Australia and New Zealand in neutralizing lopsided corporate protections in CPTPP.
US agenda revealed at IPEF talks in Bali
The summaries of US inputs at the recent Bali round of negotiations for the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) reveal US pressure of the other 13 states to adopt US standards.
How Clive Palmer is suing Australia for $300 billion with the help of an obscure legal clause (and Christian Porter)
Australian business figure Clive Palmer is suing the Australian government for almost A$300 billion in an international tribunal, having lost a case against the Western Australian government he took all the way to the High Court.
Joining Pacific trade deal is ‘reckless gamble’, campaigners say
Joining the Pacific trade deal is a reckless gamble by a government willing to sacrifice British farmers, workers and the planet in its desperation for a symbolic success.
EU digital trade rules: undermining attempts to rein in Big Tech
This report shows how Big Tech companies are working to constrain the ability of EU democratic bodies to regulate their activities in the public interest through “trade” agreements, which are binding and permanent.
Canada must cancel its free trade deal with Israel
Commitments to “inclusive” trade are meaningless if they support violations of international law.
Breaking: Civil society denounce leaked joint instrument on EU-Mercosur deal as blatant greenwashing
Documents leaked reveal that the EU-Mercosur deal’s proposed annex, supposedly intended to safeguard the environment, climate and human rights, does nothing to achieve this.
Philippines’ RCEP ratification: a deadly blow for the country’s agriculture
The country’s economic sovereignty that will supposedly provide a ground for the flourishing of local agriculture and production has been once again gnawed by global corporate interests.
IPEF is only to save US corporations from crisis while continue to eliminate people’s rights
Indonesian Civil Society held a protest today in front of the US Embassy in Jakarta to express its rejection of the IPEF. In the midst of the global economic crisis, the US is trying to rebuild its national industrialisation with a less open free trade agreement and push for policy harmonisation based on US standards.
Development opportunities or challenges
Looking at the proposed Free Trade Agreement between India and the European Union.
The rise of trade in services: corporate manoeuvres and popular resistance
The idea of ‘Trade in services’ is an artificial creation of the late 1970s and 1980s, designed to bring the social and public phenomenon of services under international ‘trade’ rules that would work for corporations.
EU-Mercosur: a nightmare for nature
The deal as negotiated is in principle a neocolonial, extractivist instrument: intended to secure EU imports of commodities and raw materials from South America, while increasing EU exports of industrial and chemical products.
Rigging the rules: How Big Tech uses stealth “trade” agreements and how we can stop them
Efforts to curb the ruinous business practices of the Big Tech corporations are at risk of being impeded by “digital trade” rules negotiated in international trade pacts. It is time to overturn this anti-regulatory agenda in favour of a governance model that prioritizes digital industrialization and data as a public good.
Ecuador-Canada Free Trade Agreement: a new attack on communities, Indigenous peoples, and the environment
A Free Trade Agreement between Ecuador and Canada is not in the interests of Indigenous peoples, territories or the environment. The FTA will only be another instrument of corporate power, wielded by the national elites to deepen the rationale for devastation.
Civil societies call on European Parliament to pressure Vietnam on human rights
Civil groups urged the European Parliament to step up pressure on Vietnam to improve its dismal human and labor rights records during a review of the implementation of the European Union-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement.