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News from the movements

Mercosur files
Despite the ongoing devastation, and with the Amazon likely at an irreversible environmental tipping point, the European Union continues to push for a free trade agreement with Mercosur which would increase the pressure on the region.
Emerging issues in the IPEF trade negotiations: A critical summary
The US is trying to present IPEF as a rethinking of the aggressive trade liberalisation model it championed for the last four decades. At its core, however, IPEF appears to be mainly a geopolitical tool for the US to maintain its hegemony in the Asia-Pacific.
There are many ways to rebuild Brazil: EU-Mercosur trade deal is not one of them
It is time to fundamentally change trade relations to put the environment, climate and human rights at the centre and dismantle the legacy of neo-colonial economics.
No to RCEP! don’t make the Philippines an “ukay-ukay” Republic!!
The Senate should withhold its concurrence with the treaty until the necessary policies, strategies, and programs are emplaced so that the RCEP benefits, and does not harm, the agricultural sector and the economy as a whole.
Farmers make a final appeal to Senators to reject RCEP
The Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas said the Philippines’ agriculture sector stands to lose the most under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade agreements.
CCAJAR calls for the elimination of investor-state dispute settlement mechanisms in “free trade” agreements
Colombia is now facing thirteen investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) claims in process and eight more in initial stages that total an estimated USD $2 billion.
Manifesto for an ecosocial energy transition from the Peoples of the South
A new manifesto critiques the "clean energy" transitions of the Global North and offers an alternative vision from the Global South.
Without public participation, the Indonesia-EU CEPA negotiations potentially create a multidimensional crisis in Indonesia
The Indonesian CSOs assesses that the I-EU CEPA Agreement will deepen the crisis of democracy, climate and social justice for all Indonesian people. For this reason, the MKE Coalition urges the Government of Indonesia to not submitting the agreement before they can guarantee legal certainty for the fulfillment of democratic rights, guarantees for the protection of human rights, social justice, and sustainable environment.
EU-India trade deal: Business as usual?
The EU-India trade deal is a neoliberal deal, entrenched in the idea that more trade between the two markets will bring significant benefits. Benefits there will be, for Indian and European multinationals but people and the planet will significantly lose from this deal.
NAFTA’s shadow of obstruction
Investor rights in the expired North American Free Trade Agreement continue to undermine democratic decision-making and climate policy in Mexico, Canada, and the United States.
AFTINET submission to the review of ISDS in the Australia-NZ-ASEAN free trade agreement
The AFTINET submission provides evidence of the harmful use of ISDS over the last decade against public regulation on health, indigenous rights, the environment and most recently against policies to reduce carbon emissions.
Not just about trade
The FTA aims to increase trade in products known for their harmful impact on people and forests, which is incompatible with the transition to a just and green economy.
Peasant and farmer organisations in Europe and South America come together against the EU- MERCOSUR Free Trade Agreement
Declaration supported by more than 100 peasant organisations, to understand why the EU-MERCOSUR FTA violates the rights of peasant farmers and other people working in rural areas.
US government seeks to dismiss Keystone XL pipeline case, while taxpayers have already spent $250,000 to NAFTA arbitration tribunal
The State Department requested the $15 billion case be thrown out on jurisdictional grounds, as President Joe Biden revoked the permit for the pipeline on his first day in office, long after the US-Mexico Canada Agreement was in effect.
Preliminary analysis of the IPEF chapter on good regulatory practice
The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) seeks to impose a structure, set of procedures and criteria to govern the Parties’ regulatory decision making at the central government level.
Energy Charter Treaty: How it drove up the costs of the German coal phase-out
This briefing highlights the role the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) has played in the German coal phase-out. It reveals that the ECT has influenced the coal phase-out in two important ways.
Canada ISDS roundup
Just before Christmas, Canadian copper miner First Quantum, in an ongoing spat with the Panamanian government over royalties, launched two ISDS cases against the state.
Memorandum submitted by Forum Kedaulatan Makanan Malaysia (Malaysia Food Sovereignty Forum) regarding the CPTPP
We who signed this memorandum would like to express concern about Malaysia’s participation in and ratification of the CPTPP which will have a large negative impact on farmers, livestock breeders and fishermen as well as on the food security and sovereignty of Malaysians in the future.
IPEF is prosperity for the TNCs, degrades peoples’ interests
With the pressing issues of rising prices of basic commodities, the declining real wages and purchasing power of workers, and the destruction of local agriculture, the IPEF and its Four Pillars will degrade the lives of the people and the planet.
Switzerland must withdraw from the Energy Charter
The Energy Charter Treaty protects companies that invest in fossil fuels. A growing number of countries are withdrawing from it, while Switzerland continues to thwart the energy transition.