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News from the movements

The China trade deal: Phase one of what for US farmers?
What does what we know of the so-called Phase One deal mean for US agribusiness exports to China and, down the value chain, for US farmers?
Letter from Africa CSOs and trade unions to African delegates at the UNCITRAL round
We civil society organizations and trade unions from the African continent express our concerns about the proposal presented by the European Union to establish a multilateral investment court and support further reaching reforms of ISDS.
The bully in the lunchroom: The US moves to weaken Mexico’s new junk food labeling law
Even though US negotiators were forced by public opposition to remove language explicitly banning front-of-package graphic labels from New NAFTA, other provisions of concern remain in the trade deal.
CETA: Rights for Canadian multinationals
CETA strengthens the legal position of North American companies in the EU and exposes European governments and taxpayers to potential claims.
Blueprint for a human rights impact assessment of the planned comprehensive free trade agreement between EFTA and Mercosur
This study assesses the impact of the EFTA-Mercosur free trade agreement on access to medicines, indigenous rights and women rights.
Civil society raises concerns about UK-Morocco trade
Civil society organisations raise human rights concerns as UK seeks to roll over Morocco association agreement without due attention to the ongoing Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara.
New study on Mercosur: A bad deal for climate and environment
The Mercosur agreement damages the environment, climate and small farmers.
Understanding the European Union’s understanding on computer and related services
If adopted on a wide scale, the Understanding would consolidate power and control over the digital ecosystem, including of data, in the major powers and more specifically, their corporations.
“A la carte” justice for transnational corporations?
At a time when 3,400 trade and investment agreements protect the interests of transnational corporations, there is no international treaty requiring them to uphold human rights and environmental protection.
How ISDS corporate privileges risk to undermine community struggles
Inspiring people fought toxic gold mines, dirty oil drilling and greedy luxury real estate projects. Now, costly investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) lawsuits risk to reverse their community victories.
Beyond repair? The Energy Charter Treaty
An obscure investment agreement, the Energy Charter Treaty, threatens to undermine bold climate action to transform Europe’s energy system.
We’re still waiting for a trade deal that benefits working people
The proposed replacement of NAFTA remains a tool for corporate interests and provides insufficient relief to address the problems for working people embedded in the original agreement.
Civil society declaration – Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements: the mirage of the evaluation study
The evaluation is highly unsatisfactory due to: the economic methodology imposed by the EU; civil society not sufficiently involved; social, economic and environmental impacts not taken into account.
New NAFTA is lost opportunity to reform corporate trade deals
Deal does not address the farm crisis, but will exacerbate climate crisis and jeopardize health and public safety.
Trump’s NAFTA 2.0: An environmental failure
An assessment suggests the revised deal would perpetuate NAFTA’s environmental damage.
Redo of USMCA better than original NAFTA after yearlong effort to improve Trump’s 2018 deal
The new NAFTA is not the template for future agreements, but establishes the floor from which we will continue to advocate for a new model of trade and globalization that puts people and the planet first.
Leading environmental groups urge Congress to oppose a pro-polluter NAFTA 2.0
The renegotiated NAFTA fails to meet the baseline standards for environmental and climate protection that the environmental community has consistently called for.
Open letter on the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)
We – 278 environmental, climate, consumer, development, and trade related civil society groups, as well as trade unions – believe that the ECT is incompatible with the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement.
EU-Mercosur trade deal will intensify the climate crisis from agriculture
The reality is that the EU-Mercosur FTA will cause a serious increase in global greenhouse gas emissions.
Explosive leaked trade papers show NHS, chlorinated chicken already on table in US trade talks
Trade deal with Trump would threaten public services, consumer protection and online rights.