Western Sahara Campaign UK
Civil society organisations raise human rights concerns as UK seeks to roll over Morocco association agreement without due attention to the ongoing Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara.
Anna Cavazzini
The Mercosur agreement damages the environment, climate and small farmers.
Third World Network
If adopted on a wide scale, the Understanding would consolidate power and control over the digital ecosystem, including of data, in the major powers and more specifically, their corporations.
CCFD-Terre Solidaire
At a time when 3,400 trade and investment agreements protect the interests of transnational corporations, there is no international treaty requiring them to uphold human rights and environmental protection.
Public Citizen
The new NAFTA is not the template for future agreements, but establishes the floor from which we will continue to advocate for a new model of trade and globalization that puts people and the planet first.
ECT’s Dirty Secrets
We – 278 environmental, climate, consumer, development, and trade related civil society groups, as well as trade unions – believe that the ECT is incompatible with the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement.
Global Justice Now
Trade deal with Trump would threaten public services, consumer protection and online rights.