Dominican Today
Agricultural expert has raised alarms about the potential collapse of 80% of Dominican rice producers due to the implementation of tariff-free rice imports under the DR-CAFTA agreement.
The Arab Weekly
Le président algérien a présidé une réunion stratégique dédiée à l’examen de l’état d’avancement des préparatifs en vue de renégocier cet accord, en vigueur depuis 2005.
ETUN Palestine
European trade union organisations and confederations called on the European Commission to fulfill its obligations and review the Israeli Government’s compliance with article two of the EU-Israel Association Agreement.
The Korea Times
Korea has launched the sixth round of negotiations with Malaysia for a bilateral free trade agreement as part of efforts to broaden its trade portfolio and enhance cooperation with the partner country.
The Korea Times
US President Donald Trump on Monday signed a memorandum on "America First" trade policy calling for a review of existing US trade agreements.
Romania has won an international arbitration case brought by investors in renewable energy, avoiding EUR 256 million in claimed damages.
Business Today
The Malaysian Palm Oil Council believes the recently signed Malaysia-United Arab Emirates Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement is set to deliver substantial benefits to the local palm oil industry.
Indonesia for Global Justice
Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ) and WALHI (Friends of the Earth Indonesia) released a joint statement raises critical concerns about the proposed Indonesia-EU CEPA. It highlights the potential negative impacts of the agreement, particularly when coupled with Indonesia’s Omnibus Law, on the environment, Indigenous communities, and biodiversity.
News of Bahrain
The Gulf Cooperation Council is set to initiate long-awaited free trade negotiations with India this year, according to its Secretary-General Jasem Mohamed Al-Budaiwi.