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News from the movements

EU institutions have legal responsibility to ban Western Sahara products, French Court rules
The French Court’s confirmation comes a week after representatives of the Spanish agricultural sector called on the EU to end tomato imports from Western Sahara.
They should have listened to us about free trade
Almost 40 years ago, the Left was warning about the consequences of tying Canada economically to the US. The election of Donald Trump is showing just how accurate those warnings were.
EU-Mexico conclusion of a new trade agreement: the EU Commission adds more fuel to farmers’ anger
ECVC condemns the decision of the leaders of the European Commission and Mexico to conclude the EU-Mexico trade agreement negotiations, just one and a half months after the EU-Mercosur deal negotiations were finalised.
Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) of the free trade agreement between the European Free Trade Association and Thailand – A critical analysis
The SIA falls short of its promises. It contains strong methodological and analytical shortcomings which limit its usefulness for negotiators, stakeholders or the general public.
An urgent call from European trade unions: Suspend the Association Agreement with Israel
European trade union organisations and confederations called on the European Commission to fulfill its obligations and review the Israeli Government’s compliance with article two of the EU-Israel Association Agreement.
IEU CEPA: A threat to the environment, indigenous peoples, and biodiversity
Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ) and WALHI (Friends of the Earth Indonesia) released a joint statement raises critical concerns about the proposed Indonesia-EU CEPA. It highlights the potential negative impacts of the agreement, particularly when coupled with Indonesia’s Omnibus Law, on the environment, Indigenous communities, and biodiversity.
New AFTINET explainer: why ISDS is a threat to climate action
This explainer sheds light on how Clive Palmer is using Investor-State Dispute Settlement provisions in trade agreements to claim up to $420 billion from the Australian government.
Clive Palmer’s foreign investor claims against Australia now $420b
Clive Palmer’s latest claims join a growing global list of ISDS claims by fossil fuel companies defined by the UN and the OECD as threats to the global climate transition.
Thai CSOs warn the senate’s subcommittee about the ongoing FTA negotiation with the EU on TRIPs-plus provisions harmful to access to medicines
FTA Watch representatives warned that stricter IP rules in a potential EU FTA could impact access to medicines, increase healthcare costs, and harm Thailand’s domestic pharmaceutical industry. They also highlighted concerns about EU demands regarding government procurement, plant variety protection (UPOV 1991), and import of remanufactured goods.
The EU’s lust for Indonesia’s nickel supply
The EU desires open access to Indonesian nickel, crucial for its green transition, yet criticizes extractive practices in the Global South. Indonesia, however, seeks to develop its own processing industries and restrict raw material exports.
Colombia is defending its sovereignty from the power of global corporations
Trade deals can allow international corporations to trample over the rights of governments in the Global South. That is the message from the Colombian government, which describes the effect of such deals as a “bloodbath” for their national sovereignty. 20 years supporting resistance to free trade agreements
To mark our 20th anniversary, we gathered in October in Bandung, Indonesia, to reflect on our journey, the changes over these two decades and the challenges we face both politically and in our communications.
EU deforestation law to be delayed as new threat emerges from EU-Mercosur trade deal
In the annex to the trade and sustainable development chapter of the EU-Mercosur agreement, several provisions entail fundamental changes in how the EUDR will work in practice.
Civil society organisations push for transformative global investment rules
The Entebbe Declaration calls for justice and sustainability in global investment governance.
The case against a UK Free Trade Agreement with the Gulf Cooperation Council
For the UK, entering into a trade deal with the GCC would fly in the face of public opinion, offer few projected benefits, and send a worrying message about the priorities of the UK’s trade policy when it comes to human rights and climate.
EU-Mercosur threatens people’s right, the planet & democracy
After more than 20 years of secretive negotiations, an agreement has been announced on the EU-Mercosur free-trade deal.
The Mercosur deal — why would the EU trust a man like Milei?
The EU’s climate hypocrisy is exposed yet again: while Argentina’s far-right president Javier Milei threatens to exit the Paris Agreement, the EU is turning a deaf ear and rushing to finalise the climate-wrecking EU-Mercosur trade deal.
Seeds, UPOV91 and trade deals: our response to the Government position
The UK has an opportunity to lead by example, removing UPOV91 provisions from trade deals and redirecting development assistance toward farmer-led initiatives.
Energy Charter Treaty modernisation adopted, still undermines climate action
Even after modernisation, the ECT continues to undermine European and global climate policies.
The AfCFTA and land in Africa: towards a surge in land grabbing?
Given that the AfCFTA could lead to a rise in demand for African land from agricultural and other investors, and that climate policies are increasingly looking to land projects to “capture” carbon, the risks for local communities whose livelihoods rely on land will be great.